Telegram messaging application CEO Durov apprehended in France – Pavel Durov, the Russian-born billionaire creator and proprietor of the Telegram messaging application, was apprehended at Le Bourget flight terminal outside Paris soon after touchdown on a personal jet late on Saturday and put in guardianship, an authorities resource said.

The arrest of the 39-year-old technology billionaire triggered on Sunday a cautioning from Moscow to Paris that he should be accorded his rights and objection from X proprietor Elon Musk that said that free speech in Europe was under attack.

There was no official verification from France of the arrest, which French and Russian media have also reported, saying that Durov was apprehended soon after showing up at Le Bourget flight terminal on a personal jet from Azerbaijan.

France’s BFM and TF1 said that Durov, that has double French and Unified Arab Emirates citizenship, was apprehended as component of a initial authorities examination right into enabling feasible criminality because of an absence of mediators on Telegram and an absence of collaboration with authorities. Reuters’ authorities resource could not verify that.

Telegram and elderly Telegram supervisors didn’t react to duplicated ask for remark. The French Interior Ministry, authorities and Paris prosecutor’s workplace had no remark. Durov faces feasible charge on Sunday, inning accordance with French media.

Telegram, centered in Dubai, wased established by Durov, that left Russia in 2014 after he chose not to adhere to demands to closed down resistance neighborhoods on his VK social media system, which he has sold.

The secured application, with shut to one billion users, is especially prominent in Russia, Ukraine and the republics of the previous Soviet Union. It’s placed as among the significant social media systems after Twitter and google, YouTube, WhatsApp, Instagram, TikTok and WeChat.


Durov, that is approximated by Forbes to have a ton of money of $15.5 billion, said in April some federal governments had looked for to stress him but the application should remain a “neutral system” and not a “gamer in geopolitics”.

Durov turned up with the idea of an secured messaging application as a way to communicate while he was under stress in Russia. His more youthful sibling, Nikolai, designed the file security.

“I prefer to be free compared to to take orders from anybody,” Durov said in April about his exit from Russia and look for a home for his company which consisted of stints in Berlin, London, Singapore and San Francisco.

After Russia introduced its intrusion of Ukraine in 2022, Telegram has become the main resource of unfiltered – and sometimes visuals and misleading – content from both sides about the battle and the national politics bordering the dispute.

The system has become what some experts call ‘a online battlefield’ for the battle, used greatly by Ukraine’s Head of state Volodymyr Zelenskiy and his authorities, as well as the Russian federal government.

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